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Welcome to Truelight FM, a 24 hour radio station that you can rely upon for sound Bible teaching and a variety of pleasant music.

Please browse the website and listen online or over the airwaves in:

  • Blenheim on 87.6 FM
  • Gore on 87.8 FM
  • Hamilton on 87.7 FM
  • Matamata on 88.3 FM
  • Palmerston North on 87.8 FM

If you have any questions or comments then feel free to contact us and we will be pleased to hear from you and to respond appropriately.

The true light, which gives light to everyone,
was coming into the world.

(John 1:9 ESV)


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True Light FM is a registered non-profit organisation, dedicated to sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with a needy world.

In 1998 Lindsay Shotton came to the conviction that the Lord was directing him to commence broadcasting Christian music and Bible teaching programmes. At that time it seemed an impossible task, but when the Lord calls a person to a task He also provides and enables. As a small group prayed about the project, Lindsay was brought into contact with two men, one a radio station manager, and the other an electronics expert who built transmitters. They provided the encouragement and advice needed at that time.

What should the station be called? The name chosen was True Light FM, from John’s Gospel Chapter 1 and verse 9. The decision to go ahead having been made, a local church agreed to provide a suitable room for a studio. A number of helpers also freely gave their time and labour to do the practical tasks of building equipment, etc.

True Light FM went to air on 15 November 2001, and has moved steadily ahead since that time, but not without opposition. A Trust was formed and True Light FM became a registered non-profit organisation on 1 February 2003. Then, in 2007 the station became an Incorporated Society.

At each stage the Lord has provided for every need, both in personnel and equipment. Listener response has been encouraging and continues to increase.

Advances in computer technology have brought many changes to the practical aspects of broadcasting, and since 2008 True Light FM has been streaming its signal to a wider audience through the internet.

True Light FM looks to the future, conscious that the Lord who called the work into being will direct and use it for His glory, and for the extension of His Kingdom.


  1. The Bible is the inspired and only infallible authoritative word of God. (2 Timothy 3:16-17)
  2. There is only one God, eternal and self-existent, made known to man as the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit (Genesis 1:1-2)
  3. Jesus Christ is truly God and truly man, having been conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary (John 1:1; Luke 1:34-35)
  4. Jesus died on the cross and shed His blood as a sacrifice for our sins; He rose again from the dead, ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of God (Romans 4:22; 1 Corinthians 15:4; Colossians 3:1)
  5. Man was created in the image of God, but sinned (Genesis 1:26; Genesis 3:17; 1 Corinthians 15:22)
  6. Man can be saved only through personal faith in Jesus Christ. Regeneration by the Holy Spirit is essential for personal salvation (Ephesians 2:8-9; John 3:3-7)
  7. Baptism identifies us with the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ (Romans 6:3-4)
  8. The Holy Spirit imparts spiritual gifts to individual believers for the common good of the body of Christ, His church (1 Corinthians 12:4-11; Romans 12:4-8)
  9. The Holy Spirit’s ministry is to glorify Christ and to enable the believer to become more Christ-like (John 16:14; 2 Corinthians 3:18)
  10. We believe in the personal, literal second coming of Jesus Christ to judge both the living and the dead (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17; Zechariah 14:4; Acts 10:42)
  11. Believers will be resurrected to everlasting life in heaven and the unbeliever to everlasting punishment (Revelation 20:11-15)
  12. The Christian duty is to spread the word and knowledge of God by all means and at every opportunity to the glory of God, and to love one's neighbour as one's self (Matthew 28:19-20; John 15:12)


12.00 am  Bible Reading
1.00 am  Robert Aiken
2.00 am  Bible Reading
3.00 am  Moody Church Hour (Erwin Lutzer)
4.00 am  Grace To You W/e (John MacArthur)
5.00 am  One Day at a Time
6.00 am  The Gospel Trumpet (Joel Beeke)
8.00 am  Know & Grow (for children)
9.00 am  Renewing Your Mind W/e (R C Sproul)
10.00 am  Moody Church Hour (Erwin Lutzer)
11.00 am  Bible Reading
12 noon  Continual Burnt Offering
1.00 pm  One Day at a Time
3.00 pm  Simply Put (Barry Cooper)
4.00 pm  Bible Reading
5.00 pm  Know & Grow (for children)
7.00 pm  Geoffrey Thomas
9.00 pm  Robert Aiken
10.00 pm  Bible Reading
11.00 pm  Bible Reading


12.00 am  Portraits of Grace
1.00 am  Martyn Lloyd-Jones
2.00 am  Words of Hope
3.00 am  Running to Win (Erwin Lutzer)
4.00 am  Grace To You (John MacArthur)
5.00 am  Renewing Your Mind (R C Sproul)
6.00 am  Truth for Life (Alistair Begg)
8.00 am  Treasures from the Word
9.00 am  Grace To You (John MacArthur)
10.00 am  Running to Win (Erwin Lutzer)
11.00 am  Bible Reading
12 noon  Portraits of Grace
1.00 pm  Words of Hope
3.00 pm  Love Worth Finding (Adrian Rogers)
4.00 pm  Joni and Friends
5.00 pm  Renewing Your Mind (R C Sproul)
7.00 pm  Truth for Life (Alistair Begg)
8.00 pm  Martyn Lloyd-Jones
9.00 pm  Bible Reading
10.00 pm  Treasures from the Word
11.00 pm  Love Worth Finding (Adrian Rogers)


12.00 am  Portraits of Grace
1.00 am  Geoff Thomas
2.00 am  Words of Hope
3.00 am  Running to Win (Erwin Lutzer)
4.00 am  Grace To You (John MacArthur)
5.00 am  Renewing Your Mind (R C Sproul)
6.00 am  Truth for Life (Alistair Begg)
8.00 am  Treasures from the Word
9.00 am  Grace To You (John MacArthur)
10.00 am  Running to Win (Erwin Lutzer)
11.00 am  Bible Reading
12 noon  Portraits of Grace
1.00 pm  Words of Hope
3.00 pm  Love Worth Finding (Adrian Rogers)
4.00 pm  Joni and Friends
5.00 pm  Renewing Your Mind (R C Sproul)
7.00 pm  Truth for Life (Alistair Begg)
8.00 pm  Bible Reading
9.00 pm  Favourite Hymns
10.00 pm  Treasures from the Word
11.00 pm  Love Worth Finding (Adrian Rogers)


12.00 am  Portraits of Grace
1.00 am  Dafydd Hughes
2.00 am  Words of Hope
3.00 am  Running to Win (Erwin Lutzer)
4.00 am  Grace To You (John MacArthur)
5.00 am  Renewing Your Mind (R C Sproul)
6.00 am  Truth for Life (Alistair Begg)
8.00 am  Treasures from the Word
9.00 am  Grace To You (John MacArthur)
10.00 am  Running to Win (Erwin Lutzer)
11.00 am  Favourite Hymns
12 noon  Portraits of Grace
1.00 pm  Words of Hope
3.00 pm  Love Worth Finding (Adrian Rogers)
4.00 pm  Joni and Friends
5.00 pm  Renewing Your Mind (R C Sproul)
7.00 pm  Truth for Life (Alistair Begg)
8.00 pm  Dafydd Hughes
9.00 pm  Bible Reading
10.00 pm  Treasures from the Word
11.00 pm  Love Worth Finding (Adrian Rogers)


12.00 am  Portraits of Grace
1.00 am  Peter Masters
2.00 am  Words of Hope
3.00 am  Running to Win (Erwin Lutzer)
4.00 am  Grace To You (John MacArthur)
5.00 am  Renewing Your Mind (R C Sproul)
6.00 am  Truth for Life (Alistair Begg)
8.00 am  Treasures from the Word
9.00 am  Grace To You (John MacArthur)
10.00 am  Running to Win (Erwin Lutzer)
11.00 am  Bible Reading
12 noon  Portraits of Grace
1.00 pm  Words of Hope
3.00 pm  Love Worth Finding (Adrian Rogers)
4.00 pm  Joni and Friends
5.00 pm  Renewing Your Mind (R C Sproul)
7.00 pm  Truth for Life (Alistair Begg)
8.00 pm  Peter Masters
9.00 pm  Bible Reading
10.00 pm  Treasures from the Word
11.00 pm  Love Worth Finding (Adrian Rogers)


12.00 am  Portraits of Grace
1.00 am  Wally Behan
2.00 am  Words of Hope
3.00 am  Running to Win (Erwin Lutzer)
4.00 am  Grace To You (John MacArthur)
5.00 am  Renewing Your Mind (R C Sproul)
6.00 am  Truth for Life (Alistair Begg)
8.00 am  Treasures from the Word
9.00 am  Grace To You (John MacArthur)
10.00 am  Running to Win (Erwin Lutzer)
11.00 am  Bible Reading
12 noon  Portraits of Grace
1.00 pm  Words of Hope
3.00 pm  Love Worth Finding (Adrian Rogers)
4.00 pm  Joni and Friends
5.00 pm  Renewing Your Mind (R C Sproul)
7.00 pm  Truth for Life (Alistair Begg)
8.00 pm  Wally Behan
9.00 pm  Bible Reading
10.00 pm  Treasures from the Word
11.00 pm  Love Worth Finding (Adrian Rogers)


12.00 am  Bible Reading
1.00 am  Simply Put (Barry Cooper)
2.00 am  Bible Reading
3.00 am  Songs in the Night (Erwin Lutzer)
4.00 am  One Day at a Time
5.00 am  Renewing Your Mind W/e (R C Sproul)
6.00 am  Truth for Life W/e (Alistair Begg)
8.00 am  Know & Grow (for children)
9.00 am  Grace To You W/e (John MacArthur)
10.00 am  Bible Reading
11.00 am  Bible Reading
12 noon  One Day at a Time
1.00 pm  Continual Burnt Offering
3.00 pm  Love Worth Finding W/e (Adrian Rogers)
4.00 pm  Bible Reading
5.00 pm  The Gospel Trumpet (Joel Beeke)
7.00 pm  Truth for Life W/e (Alistair Begg)
8.00 pm  Bible Reading
9.00 pm  Songs in the Night (Erwin Lutzer)
10.00 pm  Bible Reading
11.00 pm  Love Worth Finding W/e (Adrian Rogers)


Rev Robert Aiken did his theological training with the Congregational Union of Ireland at the Belfast Bible College. Upon finishing his training he worked for a while as a missioner in Scotland. Since 1983 he has been ministering in various Congregational churches in Australia. He is currently Minister of The Sovereign Grace Bible Church in Sydney (formerly Ryde Congregational Church).

You can listen to Rev Aiken’s sermons at

Or you can watch video sermons on the Church's YouTube channel


Dr. Joel R. Beeke is the president and professor of systematic theology and homiletics at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary and pastor of the Heritage Netherlands Reformed Congregation in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Dr. Beeke is a worldwide conference speaker and prolific author.

You can listen to Joel Beeke's messages at The Gospel Trumpet on Sermon Audio


Rev Alistair Begg is a Scot who, after training in London, became assistant pastor at Charlotte Chapel, Edinburgh, then Pastor of Hamilton Baptist Church, Glasgow. Since 1983 he has been the senior pastor of Parkside Church, Cleveland, Ohio. His radio ministry “Truth for Life” is broadcast in several countries.

You can listen to Alistair Begg's messages at


Rev Wally Behan is an Englishman who, after his conversion as an adult, entered the Anglican ministry. From 1991-2010 he was the senior minister at St John’s Latimer Square, Christchurch, New Zealand, where he exercised a very strong expository and evangelistic ministry. Now semi-retired he is part-time minister of the Anglican Church at Hanmer Springs.

You can listen to some of Wally Behan's messages at


Barry Cooper is an author, teacher, and screenwriter whose work includes Luther: The Life And Legacy of the German Reformer, Puritan: All of Life to the Glory of God, The Church: Pillar and Ground of the Truth, Discipleship Explored, and Can I Really Trust the Bible? He served for 20 years with Christianity Explored Ministries based in the United Kingdom.

You can listen to his podcast at


Pastor Dafydd Hughes did his theological training at the Evangelical Theological College of Wales then emigrated to New Zealand in 1996 to help establish Grace Baptist Church in Christchurch. After almost ten years of ministry there, he and his family moved to Palmerston North in 2006 where he continues to pastor Crosspoint Church. Dafydd is passionate about proclaiming Christ through the clear and faithful exposition of the word of God.

You can listen to Dafydd's sermons at


Dr David Martyn Lloyd-Jones was pastor of Westminster Chapel, London, from 1938 to 1968 and is widely regarded as the finest expository preacher of the 20th Century. His sermons throughout the UK were recorded on tape from about 1951 onwards, and were carefully digitally remastered for radio. All programmes are now complete unedited sermons.

You can listen to Lloyd-Jones' messages at


Dr Erwin Lutzer (Moody Church Hour, Running to Win, Songs in the Night) is a Canadian whose German parents were born in the Ukraine. He has been the senior pastor of Moody Church, Chicago, Illinois, since 1980. His radio programmes are broadcast widely around the world. In addition to all this he has a very extensive writing ministry.

You can listen to Erwin Lutzer's messages as well as view videos at


John MacArthur has been the senior pastor of Grace Community Church, Sun Valley, California, since 1969. Apart from his extensive preaching and radio programmes, he is also the author of many good Bible study books that have been translated into over ten languages.

You can listen to John MacArthur's messages as well as view videos at


Dr Peter Masters has been the pastor of the Metropolitan Tabernacle (Spurgeon’s) London since 1969. During this time the church has grown dramatically as a result of faithful preaching and application of the Word of God to all areas of the Christian and Church life. Apart from his ministry to one of the largest churches in the UK, Dr Masters also has an extensive written ministry.

You can listen to Peter Masters' messages as well as view videos at


Dr Adrian Rogers was senior pastor of Bellevue Baptist Church, Memphis, Tennessee, from 1972 till his death in November 2005. He was elected three times as President of the Southern Baptist Convention. “Love Worth Finding” is his daily radio ministry which, according to his wish, although the messenger be dead the message still goes out.

You can listen to Adrian Rogers' messages as well as view videos at


Dr. R.C. Sproul was a pastor and the founder and chairman of Ligonier Ministries. He wrote many books and his recordings are broadcast around the world.

You can listen to R C Sprouls' messages as well as view videos at


Rev Geoffrey Thomas was the Pastor at Alfred Place Baptist Church in Aberystwyth, Wales, for more than fifty years. He travelled internationally as a conference speaker and continued an itinerant ministry following his retirement from the pastorate. He has authored a number of books for both children and adults.

Listen to Geoff's sermons on SermonAudio



The Founders

The Board


Lindsay came from an agricultural background in Victoria, Australia. He grew up on a wheat farming property and worked with his father for seven years. He spent another 12 years dairy farming on a small irrigation farm. He married Eril in 1955 and they have three married children and six grandchildren.

After their conversion to Christ in 1965, Lindsay and Eril were called to study at the Bible College of South Australia. Subsequently they spent four years in pastoral ministry in Victoria. Lindsay was interested in radio from an early age and during his time ministering in Victoria he commenced airing the weekly programme “Living Water.” After moving to New Zealand in 1973 he produced several more programmes, “Understanding Your Bible” for the radio reading services, “Light for Life,” and “Favourite Hymns.”

More recently, with the encouragement of friends, Lindsay commenced broadcasting on a low powered FM frequency in Palmerston North, New Zealand, setting up the Christian radio station “True Light FM”.

Lindsay passed from this world to be with his Lord and Saviour on Saturday 2nd May 2020.


The board of True Light FM has the following members:

Daniel Simpson (Chairman & Treasurer)
Saskia Simpson (Secretary)
Scott Billington (Technician)
William Demchick (Technician)


Our Blenheim re-broadcast station began broadcasting in 2020 and covers the town and some of the surroundings.

GORE on 87.8 FM

Gore's documented history goes back to at least 1862. It was then a staging point for crossing the World Famous Trout Fishing Mataura River at a point called the Long Ford, which continues in the name of the Intermediate School in the town. The Borough of Gore was formed in 1885, named after Sir Thomas Gore Browne, a former Governor of New Zealand. Gore and the surrounding district has an area of about 1,250 sq km and a population of approximately 12,250 people. The land is as green as the eye can see with all types of farming including dairy, sheep, beef, deer and horticulture. The town services the rural adjoining land with trade and professional services. There are several different Churches in the Town which come together to work on common areas throughout the year.

A TruelightFM re-broadcast station was established in 2011 and transmits from an elevated location over the town. The broadcasts are eagerly listened to by many in their homes, while travelling, on farms. An especially appreciative audience is found among the many retirees who enjoy living here.


The Hamilton re-broadcast station began in 2018 and covers much of the city, predominantly the northern half.


Matamata is a small but progressive town in dairy country near the centre of the North Island of New Zealand. Though small it has worldwide fame as it is also known as Hobbiton: the movie set for the Hobbit village in the Lord of the Rings trilogy is located near here.

We are privileged to be able to rebroadcast the True Light FM radio signal to cover this local area. The station transmitts at 88.3 MHz and is run by a small committee representing several church denominations.

In the 1830s Matamata was also the home of Tarore, the daughter of a Maori chief. Following her death at the hand of a neighbouring tribe when she was only twelve years of age, her copy of a Maori translation of the Gospel of St. Luke was taken and was used by God for the spread of Christianity as successive Maori owners took it through the bottom half of the North Island, down through the South Island, and eventually to Stewart Island. You can find out more about the story in this YouTube interview.


True Light FM went to air in Palmerston North on 15 November 2001.

Advances in computer technology have brought many changes to the practical aspects of broadcasting, and since 2008 True Light FM has been streaming its signal from the Palmerston North studio to a wider audience through the internet.

Internet Radio Stream

You can listen to True Light FM through online streaming on this website. If you would prefer to use a different audio stream player or listen using an Internet Radio then you can use the following link to access the stream:

Please note that mobile devices have some limitations when playing audio streams through this website:

  1. there may be a delay of up to a minute after clicking play and before the audio is heard
  2. there can sometimes be a delayed response to stopping the playback after clicking pause

An alternative to using the player on this website is to use an app that will play the audio stream. There are many available (search your app store for an Internet Radio App and choose one that allows you to add a streaming link like the one shown above).

TuneIn Radio

Radio Online Live


Please feel free to contact us by any of the following means if you have queries or comments you wish to share with us:

Phone:   0800 TRUE LIGHT (0800 878 354)
Postal:  True Light FM
PO Box 4211
Palmerston North 4442
New Zealand

If you would like to make a donation to support this radio ministry you may deposit to our NZ bank account:

(please contact us with a mailing address if you require a receipt)

True Light FM is a charity registered in New Zealand:
Registration No. CC10580

You may find that there are issues with audio streaming on mobile devices. For more information please select Internet Radio under the 'Stations' tab above.
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